How to Recognize a Fake Kat Von D Shade + Light Eye Palette

It’s every beauty lover’s worst dream.  On the day I received my new Kat Von D Shade + Light Eye Palette I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was a little…off.  Maybe it was because I was already suspicious that finding an authentic KVD palette on eBay for $20 less than retail was too good to be true.

So what made me take that risk?  I thought I had done my research.  Looking at the listing, there were a few factors that allowed me to talk myself into the purchase:

  • The packaging looked authentic
  • There was an insert with eye shadow looks
  • There was a serial number on the product

However, on the day the palette arrived I realized just how foolish I had been.  I stopped in to my local Sephora and the sales associates were more than happy to let me photograph my fake palette next to an authentic one off of their shelves.  These photos were taken at the table where they give the makeovers, where the lighting in the store is at its brightest.

At first glance, looking at just the front of the palettes, the fake seems like the real thing.  It was a bit tricky to photograph since the light reflects off of the raised lettering but in person they are pretty much identical.  Same goes for the inserts with the eye looks.  I do see one shadow that is pictured a bit more yellow than the other but without both inserts side by side, that won’t be much help in identifying a fake.


I’ve found that the easiest way to know if you have a fake is:

  1. The edges are not straight/flat
  2. The eye shadows are not the correct shades
  3. The serial number is the wrong font and size
  4. The inside of the box is the wrong color
  5. The edging around the mirror is too wide

The material used to cover the palettes is also cheaper on the fake version but without them side by side for comparison, it isn’t quite as obvious as the flaws listed above.  I’m going to go through one item at a time now and share the pictures I took.

#1: The edges are not as straight and flat.  Looking at the pictures below, I’m sure you will see what I mean immediately.  Whereas the authentic palette has straight, parallel edges, the fake palette is comparatively very uneven.


#2:  There are differences in the eye shadow shades.  In my opinion, this is the most obvious disparity.  The authentic palette has brighter light shades and a deeper black shade.  The fake palette has more yellowed shades and a less intense black shade.


#3: The serial number is the wrong font and size.  Sure the fake palette has a serial number but it is obviously nothing like the one printed on the authentic item.


#4: The inside flaps of the box are different colors.  The authentic box has much warmer tones and the fake one much cooler.  Also, the star placement is off.


#5: The edging around the mirror is too wide.  On the authentic palette, the negative space between the sides of the decorative frame are slim and evenly spaced.  On the fake palette, the gaps are much wider and not nearly as even.


Now, there may be several more ways to tell the difference between a fake KVD Shade + Light Palette and a real one but this is just what I have observed.  I hope this will help somebody.  Always remember, if a palette is fake it does not abide by FDA standards.  In other words, you have no idea if what you are applying onto your skin is safe.  Just google the word “danger” with “fake makeup” and you will see an abundance of articles on the subject.  If you have a fake palette, I urge you to stop using it immediately and report the seller to the powers that be.